FIG. 1.
CNF1-positive strains (CP9 and C85) cause more morphological damage to the prostate than do CNF1-negative strains (CP9cnf1 and C85cnf1). Male rats were inoculated with 2 × 105 CFU of either strain and euthanatized 48 h later. Prostates were removed and examined for gross morphological changes. Each prostate was given a score of 0 to 3 for edema, congestion, and hyperemia (0 was none, and 3 was the maximum score). Data are from six rats for each strain. Scores were combined to give the total score that is depicted in the graph. (A) Average gross morphology scores for each individual strain. (B) Average gross morphology scores for combined CNF1-positive and combined CNF1-negative strains. (C) Percentages of animals that displayed moderate (score of 2 to 4) to severe (score of 5 to 9) inflammation.