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. 2023 Jan 17;8(2):e109–e118. doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(22)00253-5


Characteristics of the participants from the UK Biobank study (baseline 2006–10) and the HeSSup study, Finland (baseline 1998)

UK Biobank (n=456 905) HeSSup (n=18 468)
Female 249 586 (54·6%) 11 367 (61·5%)
Male 207 319 (45·4%) 7101 (38·5%)
Age, years
Mean (SD) 56·5 (8·1) 42·5 (11·4)
Median (IQR) 58·0 (50·0–63·0 ) 45·0 (35·0–55·0 )
Age groups, years
0–49 107 242 (23·5%) 4588 (24·8%)
50–59 152 895 (33·5%) 8787 (47·6%)
60 or older 196 768 (43·1%) 5093 (27·6%)
White 431 725/455 363 (94·8%) ..
Other 23 638/455 363 (5·2%) ..
Missing 1542 (0·3%) ..
Low 74 631/448 320 (16·6%) 4175/18 370 (22·7%)
Intermediate 224 141/448 320 (50·0%) 9185/18 370 (50·0%)
High 149 548/448 320 (33·4%) 5010/18 370 (27·3%)
Missing 8585 (1·9%) 98 (0·5%)
Townsend index tertile
Bottom 154 786/456 341 (33·9%) ..
Intermediate 153 185/456 341 (33·6%) ..
Top 148 370/456 341 (32·5%) ..
Missing 564 (0·1%) ..
Alcohol consumption
Low 255 247/456 556 (55·9%) 6030/18 415 (32·7%)
High 201 309/456 556 (44·1%) 12 385/18 415 (67·3%)
Missing 349 (0·1%) 53 (0·3%)
Current smoker
No 408 708/455 295 (89·8%) 5515/8898 (62·0%)
Yes 46 587/455 295 (10·2%) 3383/8898 (38·0%)
Missing 1610 (0·4%) 9570 (51·8%)
Physical activity
Low 250 795/420 802 (59·6%) 9786/18 345 (53·3%)
High 170 007/420 802 (40·4%) 8559/18 345 (46·7%)
Missing 36 103 (7·9%) 123 (0·7%)
BMI category
Normal weight 149 915/446 101 (33·6%) 9695/18 346 (52·8%)
Overweight 190 555/446 101 (42·7%) 6195/18 346 (33·8%)
Obese 105 631/446 101 (23·7%) 2456/18 346 (13·4%)
Missing 10 805 (2·4%) 122 (0·7%)
Mean (SD) 27·3 (4·7) 25·4 (4·5)
Missing 10 805 (2·4%) 122 (0·7%)
Depressed mood*
Low 415 836/436 658 (95·2%) 17 135/18 097 (94·7%)
High 20 822/436 658 (4·8%) 962/18 097 (5·3%)
Missing 20 247 (4·4%) 371 (2·0%)
Long-term illness
No 224 804/443 289 (50·7%) 6177/18 362 (33·6%)
Yes 218 485/443 289 (49·3%) 12 185/18 362 (66·4%)
Missing 13 616 (3·0%) 106 (0·6%)
High C-reactive protein (>3 mg/L)
No 333 223/426 655 (78·1%) ..
Yes 93 432/426 655 (21·9%) ..
Missing 30 250 (6·6%) ..
Socially isolated
No 407 686/448 114 (91·0%) 16 600/18 376 (90·3%)
Yes 40 428/448 114 (9·0%) 1776/18 376 (9·7%)
Missing 8791 (1·9%) 92 (0·5%)
Feeling lonely
No 409 141/436 001 (93·8%) 13 830/18 296 (75·6%)
Yes 26 860/436 001 (6·2%) 4466/18 296 (24·4%)
Missing 20 904 (4·6%) 172 (0·9%)
Follow-up time from baseline, years
Mean (SD) 8·5 (1·9) 9·8 (1·3)
Median (IQR) 8·9 (8·0–9·6 ) 10·0 (10·0–10·1 )

Data are n (%) or n/N (%), unless otherwise specified. HeSSup=Finnish Health and Social Support study.


Based on the frequency of depressed mood in the previous 2 weeks from the Patient Health Questionnaire in the UK Biobank study and on the Beck Depression inventory with a cutoff of 18 or more in the HeSSup study.