Fig. 4. Theoretical volumetric changes upon cell charge of lithium metal (top) and silicon-based (bottom) cells.
Volume change is visualized as a change in one dimension, namely thickness. In general, materials can expand in all three dimensions. The top panel shows that the deposition of 4 mAh/cm2 of lithium metal would lead to an increase in cell thickness of about 19 µm per negative electrode layer, based on a specific capacity of 3860 mAh/g and a density of 0.53 g/cm3, i.e., a volumetric capacity of 2045 mAh/cm3. The bottom panel shows that at the end of charge, the same amount of lithium (i.e., lithium equivalents) in an alloying reaction with silicon to form Li15Si4 would lead to an increase in cell thickness per negative electrode layer of 12 µm, and a comparable overall negative electrode thickness of 18 µm. A density of 2.33 g/cm3 was used for pure silicon and a volumetric capacity of 2194 Ah/cm3 for Li15Si4. Positive electrode and electrolyte layer are assumed to have a constant thickness. Volumetric capacity and density determine cell energy density, affecting how much space a cell would occupy, e.g., in a battery pack. Increasing cell energy density can allow, for example, more electrode layers or cells to be integrated into the same space.