General framework of analyses at study- and variable-levels. In the upper section (study-level, in grey), studies are divided in those that used GBIF-mediated data (positives, in orange) and those that did not (negatives, in blue). Positive studies were group according if GBIF was used as the only data source for all variables (2 studies), or if the variables were based on GBIF together with other data sources (105 studies). In the variable-level section (bottom, white background) the total 358 variables extracted from the positive and negative studies were categorized according to the specific use of GBIF, resulting in five types of variables, four of them extracted from the positive studies. Note that in those studies based on GBIF, the different variables could be based on GBIF alone (33 variables), GBIF together with other sources (85), or specific variables may not be based on GBIF-mediated data at all (81 variables). Finally, each variable was related to different epidemiological roles, resulting in a larger number hosts/reservoirs variables, mostly based on GBIF-mediated data, and a higher presence of pathogen species-variables not using GBIF. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)