Research areas identified in the studies. Research areas subcategories are represented in the left axis, and general research area groups in the right axis. Orange circles represent the number of positive studies, the blue circles the negatives, and the black lines between them represent the differences in the number of studies, in which larger lines represent larger differences between positive and negatives. Orange icons correspond to research areas with larger number of positive studies, i.e., positive studies were more related to Biology (Bio), Ecology (Ecol) and Other (Hum Soc: Human society; Phy Env Geo: Physical environmental geology; Earth Atm: Earth and atmospheric sciences). Negative studies were more frequent in research areas with blue icons, including Medical (Med) and Veterinary sciences (Vet: Veterinarian and agriculture). In the green icon (Eng Inf Mat: Engineering, informatics, and mathematics) there was no major differences between groups. Subcategories: Bio Zoo: Biology and zoology; Bio Evo Gen: Biology, evolution, and genetics; Bio Bioch: Biology and biochemistry; Env Mang: Environmental management and sciences; Eco App: Ecological applications; Math Stat: Mathematical statistics; Inf Comp: informatics and computing; Eng Geom: Engineer and geometrics; Microb: Microbiology; Pub Heal: Public health; Med Micro: Medical microbiology; Med Clin Heal: Medical clinical and health. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)