Spatial extent of synchrony and phase coherence across regions emerge from adaptation strength and connectome structure. (A–F) Pearson correlation (A, D) and PLI (B, C, E, F) between regions as a function of distance, as scatter plots (A, B, D, E) and box plots (C, F) in the absence [b = 0 pA, (A–C)] and presence [b = 60 pA, (D–F)] of adaptation. In scatter plots, 400 points were subsampled randomly for graphical representation, and solid black lines represent linear fits. Correlations are observed to decrease with distance, in a steeper manner in the wake-like condition. In box plots, distances between regions are subdivided into five bins of equal size, and the mean distance between the two extremities of each bin is marked on the horizontal axis. The PLI is significantly enhanced, suggesting increased phase coherence, at an intermediate spatial scale in slow-wave dynamics. (G) Heatmap of connection weights in shuffled connectivity matrix, where the weights from one region to every other region are successively randomly permuted. (H, I) Boxplot of PLI as a function of distance for simulations with a shuffled connectome for b = 0 pA (H) and b = 60 pA (I) [compare to (C, F)]. The *, **, and *** symbols indicate the values of p < 0.05, p < 0.01, and p < 0.001 respectively.