Figure 6.
The model of cyanobacterial phototaxis regulation
The model is based on our data (red color) and public knowledge, showing the phototaxis assembly and how it is influenced by the structure of pilus and carbon metabolism. Proteins SecD, SecF, and ChlD present a good elution profiling with PSII assembly proteins, indicating that Sec complexes and ChlD might play a critical role in the maturation of PSII. The hypothetical proteins Sll0445, Sll0446, and Sll0447 are induced by cAMP receptor protein Sycrp1 and interact with pilus assembly proteins to regulate cell motility. These hypothetical proteins can also interact with photosynthetic core proteins, revealing a close relationship between photosynthesis and cell motility in Synechocystis. Sll1334 can regulate glucolipid metabolism and may have an important role in controlling the utilization of sugars and lipids during heterotrophic growth, thereby affecting photosynthesis. pD1, precursor of D1; C, cytoplasm; L, lumen; OM, outer membrane; PDM, PratA-defined membrane; PM, plasma membrane; PP, periplasm; TM, thylakoid membrane.