Fusion of eibA and eibF to malE. In-frame fusions between eibA or eibF and malE of vector pMal-c2X were made, and deletion constructs were derived from them as described in Materials and Methods. (A) malE, showing restriction sites and position of cloned inserts; (B) eibA, showing restriction sites, blocks, and amino acids encoded by each block (see text); (C) malE-eibA fusion and derived deletion constructs; (D) eibF, showing restriction sites, blocks, and amino acids encoded by each block (see text); (E) malE-eibF fusion and derived deletion constructs. Map units are in kilobases. These constructs were used in the experiments shown in Fig. 5 and 6, whose results are summarized in the column on the right as binding (+) or nonbinding (−) of IgG Fc and IgA, and presence (+) or absence (−) of stable multimerization.