Fig. 2. Egg count, brood size, and thrashing as measurements of healthspan.
(A) Thrashing assays were performed on glp-4(bn2) mutant animals grown on NGM-agar plates seeded with empty vector at 25 °C on day 1 (blue), day 4 (red), and day 9 (green) animals. Thrashing was scored in animals placed into M9 solution on an NGM-agar plate, video recorded using a standard smartphone camera mounted onto an eyepiece of a standard dissecting scope, and thrashing scored in slow motion for accuracy. n = 15 animals per condition. (B) Egg counts were measured in wildtype N2 (blue) and sur-5p::hsf-1 (red) animals. Animals were grown at 20 °C and moved onto fresh plates and eggs counted every 12 hrs. Total number of eggs laid were summed. n = 7 animals for wildtype and 9 animals for sur-5p::hsf-1. (C) Brood assays were measured on the same animals as (B) where eggs were grown at 20 °C for two days to allow hatching, and all hatched eggs were counted. *** = p < 0.001 calculated using non-parametric Mann-Whitney testing. Each dot represents a single animal and lines represent median and interquartile range.