Fig. 4.
Associations of RNT with the Decision-Making Task Parameters at Baseline, Stress Anticipation, and Stress Recovery. Fig. 4. PTQ = Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire. ρ = risk aversion. λ = loss aversion. μ = choice consistency. λ, and μ were log-transformed in analyses. For ease of visual interpretation, change scores are plotted here from baseline to anticipation (column 2) and from anticipation to recovery (column 3); however, all statistics reported are from regression models described in the text. PTQ was significantly negatively related with λ at baseline (β = −0.27, p < .05). Conversely, PTQ positively predicted increases in loss aversion from baseline to early-phase response (β = 0.30, p < .001), and this increase remained significant during the late-phase response (β = 0.27, p < .001). PTQ was also linked with marginal decreases in choice consistency from baseline to early-phase response (β = −0.23, p < .10). There was a marginal relationship between PTQ and increases in risk taking from the early to late-phase response periods (β = .17, p < .10). There were no other significant associations of PTQ with the decision-making task parameters.