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. 2023 Jan 13;10:1104914. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.1104914


Selected recent literature on algal bioremediation of PW.

Strain Wastewater type Cultivation conditions Highest biomass yield (g·L−1) Pollutants removed Highest removal efficiency (%) Reference
1 Chlorella sp produced water from a Qatari local petroleum company In a temperature-controlled room, a glass bottle was agitated with compressed air and illuminated with an light intensity of 600 µmol photons·m−2·s−1 1.72 TOC 73 Das et al. (2019)
total Nitrogen 92
2 Chlorella vulgaris Produced water from an oil and gas facility in United States. Tissue Culture Roller Drum Apparatus inside an incubator with a constant level of CO2 of 2%–3% (v/v), a temperature of 28°C with 16:8 h light:dark cycle and an illumination of ∼4000 lux 3.1 ± 0.5 total Nitrogen 100 Rahman et al. (2021)
phosphorus ≈74.2
3 Chlorella vulgaris PW from dumping site generated by oil wells in Colombia fluorescent light at an irradiance of 36.8 ± 4.2 μmol photons m−2 s−1 at the surface of the culture medium, temperature at 20 °C and permanent aeration supplied by a blower Total hydrocarbons ≈100 Calderón-delgado et al. (2019)
4 Chlorella pyrenoidosa PW from oilfield in Algeria outdoor, under sunlight radiation, using an open system sited in the desert area in the winter season. The temperatures fluctuated from 26 to 31°C during the day 1.15 COD 89.67% Rahmani et al. (2022)
Ammonium nitrogen 100%
total Nitrogen 57.14%,
total Phosphorus 75.51%
Copper 73.39
Lead 72.80
Cadmium 48.42
5 Nannochloropsis oculata Produced water from oil field in Iraq Florescence light (2000 lux) at and a light photoperiod of 18:6 h light:dark, 25°C±1°C, continuous filtered air at a constant flow rate via two aquarium air pumps 1.13 Oil 66.5 Ammar et al. (2018)
COD 54
6 Nannochloropsis oculata Produced water from a TOTAL operating site in France 14/10 h light/dark periods, by LED lamps, temperature at (21 ± 1°C), autotrophic conditions with air. CO2 was added in pulse, 5 s each 20–40 min and pH between 7.5 and 9 Ammonium nitrogen ≈100 Parsy et al. (2020)
COD 70
Iron 100
7 Nannochloropsis oculata Produced water from an oil field in Brazil Aerated photobioreactors (3 L min−1), cold white LED lamps with light intensity of 57 μmol m−2·s−1, photoperiod of 12:12 h. Temperature controlled at 21°C±.9°C. The pH was fixed at 7 PAHs 94 Marques et al. (2021)
NAP 96
APT 95
FLU 91
PHE 83
BbF 95
DA 90
BaP 95
Iron 96.80
8 Galdieria sulphuraria Produced water from an oil and gas facility in United States. Tissue Culture Roller Drum Apparatus inside an incubator CO2 level was kept constant at 2%–3% (v/v), temperature 42°C with 24 h of continuous illumination (∼4000 lux) 5.12 ± .28 total Nitrogen ≈100 Rahman et al. (2021)
9 Isochrysis galbana Produced water from oil field in Iraq Florescence light (2000 lux), and a photoperiod of 18:6 h light: dark, 25°C±1°C, continuous filtered air at a constant flow rate via two aquarium air pumps 1.01 Oil 68 Ammar et al. (2018)
COD 56
10 Dunaliella tertiolecta Produced water from an oil production facility in the Permian Basin of southeast New Mexico Temperature controlled at 24°C in a growth chamber with fluorescent illumination of 100 μmol photons m−2 s−1. agitation was set at at 140 rpm with a 16-h light/8-h dark cycle ≈0.3 nitrate ≈99.6 Hopkins et al. (2019)
Phosphate ≈99.6

PAHs, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; NAP, naphthalene; AP, acenaphthylene; FLU, fluorene; PHE, phenanthrene; BbF, benzo(b)fluoranthene; DA, dibenzo (a, h) anthracene; BaP, benzo(a)pyrene.