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[Preprint]. 2023 Jan 18:2023.01.15.524135. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.01.15.524135

Figure 3:

Figure 3:

Comparison of expert and AnnoSpat endocrine cell-type annotation. (A, B) Proportion of expert-annotated (A) and AnnoSpat-annotated (B) endocrine cell types from the IMC of different pancreas regions of donors studied in16. (C, D) Representative protein channel intensities (expression levels) from IMC images of donors with discordant expert and AnnoSpat cell-type annotation is overlaid with AnnoSpat predicted cell types (C) or endocrine canonical marker protein channels (D). (E) From left to right, top to bottom: TooManyCells tree overlaid by AnnoSpat-predicted cell types, and expression levels of c-peptide, glucagon, somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide protein (PPY), and ghrelin marking beta, alpha, delta, PP, and epsilon cells, respectively in n = 65, 643 cells across m = 141 slides of 16 pancreas donors. (F, G) Six representative IMC images from m = 141 slides of 16 donors overlaid by AnnoSpat-predicted cell types (F) or endocrine canonical marker protein channels (G).