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[Preprint]. 2023 Feb 20:2023.01.18.524407. Originally published 2023 Jan 18. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2023.01.18.524407
Brain Region Abbreviation Brodmann’s Areas A/P boundaries M/L boundaries
Amygdala n/a All nuclei across entire A/P extent
Entorhinal cortex ento From the anterior tip to a point adjacent to the mid-hippocampus.
Hippocampus HC Anterior tip to the middle of hippocampus
Medial orbitofrontal cortex mOFC 11m, 13a/b, 14 From emergence of medial orbital sulcus to its disappearance Between rostral sulcus and medial orbital sulcus
Lateral orbitofrontal cortex lOFC 11l, 12m/r, 13m/l From emergence of lateral orbital sulcus to its disappearance Between medial and lateral orbital sulci
Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex vlPFC 45, 12o, 12l From emergence of lateral orbital sulcus to its disappearance Between lateral orbital sulcus and midpoint of laterally extending white matter
Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex dACC 24 From emergence of cingulate sulcus until area 25 disappears from medial wall/emergence of septum. Dorsal and ventral banks of cingulate sulcus
Subcallosal anterior cingulate cortex scACC 25 Medial surface, ventral to corpus callosum, medial/dorsal to medial orbital sulcus
Perigenual anterior cingulate cortex pgACC 32/24 Anterior to corpus callosum Cortex on medial surface of the frontal lobe between the rostral sulcus and the cingulate sulcus
Dorsal premotor cortex PMd 6 Posterior to emergence of arcuate sulcus Between arcuate and central sulci on dorsal surface
Caudate n/a
Putamen n/a
Nucleus Accumbens NAcc Posterior to emergence of circular sulcus, forming dorsal aspect of insula ventromedial portion of striatum
Agranular Insula AI Orbital surface after disappearance of medial and lateral orbital sulci From medial corner of orbital surface to where fundus of lateral sulcus used to be
Insula n/a From anterior commissure meeting midline Only cortical surface in depth of lateral fissure
Medial dorsal thalamus MD Begins at mid-hippocampus level Midline nuclei dorsal to midbrain