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[Preprint]. 2023 Jan 20:2023.01.19.524655. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.01.19.524655

Figure 1: Transcriptomic profiling at single cell resolution of primary adult human AT1s.

Figure 1:

A) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) of an integrated analysis of 15769 primary distal lung epithelial cells (dataset previously published in Basil et al). N=5 including, 1401 AT1s and 7039 AT2s.41 B) Expression of AT2 specific marker genes, SFTPC, LAMP3, ABCA3; canonical AT1 marker genes AGER, CAV1, PDPN; mouse-specific AT1 marker genes HOPX, AQP5; lung epithelial marker NKX2-1; and more recent human AT1 marker genes ANKRD1, CLIC5, and RTKN2. C) Heatmap showing average expression for each cell type of top differentially upregulated human AT1 genes compared to all distal lung cells. D) Expression of selected AT1 and AT2 genes across all lung cell types. E) Expression of YAP (YAP1) and TAZ (WWTR1) and known downstream Hippo signaling markers across lung epithelial cell types. F) Violin plot showing AGER expression across indicated cell types. Also see supplemental figure 1.