Figure 1. Establishment of Local Cysteine Capture (Cys-LoC) method.
A) Scheme of Cys-LoC Workflow. B) Cysteines identified with Cys-LoC from five compartments aggregated compared to those identified from whole proteome in HEK293T cells25. C) Cysteines identified with Mito-Cys-LoC compared to those identified from the whole proteome in HEK293T cells25. D) Scheme of database generation with aggregated protein localization annotations from Human Protein Atlas, UniprotKB and CellWhere. PK and FK represented primary key and foreign key, respectively. E) Number of proteins annotated as localized in cytosol (cyto), endoplasmic reticulum (ER), golgi, mitochondrial (mito), and nucleus (nuc). F) Subcellular specificity of cysteines identified with Cys-LoC or with whole lysate [cite sp3 paper]. G) Number of cysteines identified as compartment specific with Cys-LoC or with whole lysate in HEK293T cells25. Statistical significance was calculated with unpaired Student’s t-tests, * p<0.05, NS p>0.05. Experiments were performed in duplicates in HEK293T cells for penal B, C, F, G. All MS data can be found in Table S1.