(A). Schematic representation of transgenes integrated into mice. (B). Representative immunohistochemistry for Dach1, with data quantitated as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM) for N=20 (4 separate mice, with 5 views per mouse, in each group). (C). Blinded quantitative histology grading of prostate of multigenic mice at 15 weeks. Data are shown as mean ± SEM for N=15 (5 separate mice, with 3 prostate areas [anterior, ventral, lateral] per mouse) in each group). H&E staining demonstrates the presence of a focal atypical intraductal proliferation in Dach1−/− prostate, compatible with prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). Representative immunohistochemistry with results shown as mean ± SEM for Ki-67 (n=20, 4 separate mice for each genotype, 5 views per mouse) (D), Beclin 1 (n=9, 3 separate mice for each genotype, 3 views per mouse) (E); and AR (n=15 for Dach1wt/wt mice, 3 separate mice, 5 views per mouse) (n=12 for Dach1fl/fl mice, 3 separate mice, 2 views for one mouse and 5 views for other two mice) (F). Scale bars, 50 μm. A Student’s t-test was performed for all comparisons.