(a) Cryo-EM map of HsFpn in complex with 11F9 in the presence of Ca2+. Densities for NTD, CTD, and 11F9 are colored in pale green, light orange, and slate purple, respectively. A smoothened map contoured at a low threshold (translucent grey) is overlaid to show the lipid nanodisc density around Fpn. (b) Structure of HsFpn with a bound Ca2+ in an outward-facing conformation. NTD and CTD are colored as described in (a). Ca2+ is shown as a green sphere. (c) Zoomed-in view of the Ca2+ binding site in the NTD. The five residues coordinating Ca2+ are labeled and shown as side chain sticks. The density for Ca2+ is contoured at 7.5σ as blue mesh. (d) Structural comparison of apo (grey, PDB ID 6W4S), Co2+-bound (pink, PDB ID 8DL8), and Ca2+-bound (green) HsFpn near S1. The side chains of D39 and H43 are shown as sticks. Co2+ is shown as a pink sphere. (e), (f), and (g) Three views of conformational changes in NTD induced by Ca2+ binding. The Co2+-bound (pink) and Ca2+-bound (green) structures are aligned and shown as cartoon with cylindrical helices. (e) Top view (from the extracellular side) of the alignment. The helical directions of TM1-6 are visualized by vectors inside cylinders, and the bending of these helices is indicated by black arrows. Bending of TMs viewed from the front (f) and the back (g). The displacement of the extracellular loop between TM3 and TM4 is marked with a black arrow and distance.