HPCD effect on the RPE-BM region ultrastructure. A and C: Representative images (n = 5, three females and two males, per group) of tissue ultrastructure on TEM. Colored rectangles denote the regions shown at a higher magnification. White triangles, borders of BM; yellow arrowheads, basal laminar deposits; magenta arrowheads, electron lucent spaces; orange circles, lipoprotein particles, ∼60 nm in diameter, consistent with the size of an apolipoprotein B-containing lipoprotein particle produced by the RRE (58). B and D: Representative images (n = 5, three females and two males, per group) of lipid deposition (gray arrowheads) in BM as assessed by the Bodipy stain. Yellow scale bars represents 2 μm; black scale bars represent 0.5 μm; white scale bars represent 25 μm.