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. 2022 Jul 16;12(2):1922–1934. doi: 10.1002/cam4.5027


Baseline characteristics of study participants in NHANES 2007–2016

Variable Total participant, N= 13,746 Non‐case, N = 12,144 Cancer, N = 1602 p value
Age, years, median (IQR) 12,242 55 (47, 63) 64 (56, 71) <2.2e‐16
Age 12,242 <0.0001
40–59 7203 6774 (70.07) 429 (41.61)
60–79 5039 4158 (29.93) 881 (58.38)
Gender 12,242 0.1736
Male 5963 5348 (48.85) 615 (46.27)
Female 6279 5584 (51.15) 695 (53.72)
Ethnicity/race 12,242 <0.0001
Non‐Hispanic white 5241 4378 (70.88) 863 (87.03)
Non‐Hispanic black 2206 2046 (9.07) 160(3.87)
Mexican American 2046 1939 (7.62) 107 (2.39)
Others 2749 2569 (12.42) 180 (6.70)
Education 12,237 <0.0001
Less than High school or equivalent 3404 3141 (17.13) 263 (10.30)
High school or equivalent 2693 2400 (22.32) 293 (19.38)
College or above 6140 5386 (60.54) 754 (70.32)
PIR 12,242 0.0024
0.00–1.30 4412 4003 (22.83) 409 (18.78)
1.31–3.50 3993 3565 (30.54) 428 (29.37)
>3.51 3837 3364 (46.63) 473 (51.84)
BMI 12,242 0.4506
Normal < 25 3099 2752 (25.39) 347 (27.33)
Overweight 25–30 4720 3843 (35.73) 427 (33.64)
Obese>30 4873 4337 (38.87) 536 (39.03)
Physical activity 11,958 0.0158
Low 8190 7283 (66.67) 907 (69.70)
Moderate 2281 2046 (19.42) 235 (19.76)
High 1487 1361 (13.91) 126 (10.54)
Smoking status 12,242 0.0100
Non‐smoking 2920 2639 (23.83) 281 (21.01)
Passive smoking 5793 5180 (43.27) 613 (41.32)
Active smoking 3529 3113 (32.89) 416 (37.67)
Alcohol drinking 11,526 0.0154
Non‐drinking 8711 7766 (71.47) 945 (70.26)
Low to moderate drinking 973 841 (8.52) 132 (11.89)
Heavy drinking 1842 1659 (20.01) 183 (17.85)
Hypertension 12,242 <0.0001
No 6839 6237 (61.28) 602 (51.74)
Yes 5403 4695 (38.72) 708 (48.25)
Cardiovascular diseases 12,241 <0.0001
No 10,643 9596 (90.05) 1047 (83.130)
Yes 1598 1335 (9.95) 263 (16.87)
Diabetes 12,242 0.0077
No 9559 8579 (84.07) 980 (80.95)
Yes 2683 2353 (15.92) 330 (19.05)
Dyslipidemia 12,242 0.2768
No 5488 4883 (43.301) 605 (43.67)
Yes 6754 6049 (56.69) 705 (56.33)
Self‐reported health 11,355 0.1926
Poor to fair 3024 2683 (17.92) 341 (18.55)
Good 4528 4023 (38.48) 505 (41.37)
Very good to excellent 3803 3391 (43.60) 412 (40.08)
Total energy intake 12,242 0.0064
Low 5739 5094 (40.66) 645 (44.96)
Adequate 4384 3903 (39.22) 481 (39.65)
High 2119 1935 (20.12) 184 (15.38)

Note: The continuous variables were analyzed by Wilcoxon test, expressed by the median (IQR); the weighted chi‐square test was used to analyze the categorical variables, expressed by the column percentage. A level of two‐sided p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; IQR, Interquartile range; NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; PIR, poverty income ratio; SD, standard deviation.