Figure 6: In vivo 2C T cell priming occurs in Wdfy4−/− mice bearing C1498.SIY Kb+/+ tumors.
2C T cell priming was assessed in tdLNs of Wdfy4+/+, Wdfy4+/−, and Wdfy4−/− mice bearing C1498.SIY Kb+/+ or Kb−/− tumors at day 6. A) Representative flow cytometry plots showing 2C T cell frequency among CD8+ T cells. B) Representative histograms of CTV dilution by 2C T cells. C-F) Summary plots (left) and heatmaps (right) depicting p-values for pairwise comparisons of the number (C), frequency (D), % divided (E), and geometric mean fluorescence intensity of CTV (F) of tdLN 2C T cells. Statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA with a Tukey’s post-hoc HSD test. The –log10 of the adjusted p-value is indicated in each tile of the heatmap. p < 0.05 (–log10(p) > 1.30) was considered statistically significant. Data are pooled from three independent experiments; group sizes are indicated in (C). n.t. = no tumor. Also see Supplemental Figures S4–S7.