Fig. 5. Host genotype impacts the bottleneck to C. rodentium colonization.
C3H/HeOuJ (a) or C57BL/6 J (b) mice were inoculated with doses ranging from 106 to 1010 CFU of STAMP-CR253. The C. rodentium population was monitored in the feces (geometric means and standard deviations; ND not detected counted as 0.5) and animal health assessed by weight loss (percent compared to pre-inoculation; arithmetic means and standard deviations) and body condition. For survival, lines are percent of initial animals not moribund. c The bottleneck to C3Ou and B6 colonization is described 5 days post inoculation by comparing dose and founders with a linear regression of the log10-transformed data (regression line with 95% confidence intervals; significance compares elevation with p-value 5.5 × 10−7; not detected counted as 0.8). B6 bottleneck data is repeated from Fig. 2. 4 animals per dose. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.