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. 2023 Jan 30;320:115672. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115672

Table 2.

Correlations among main variables and principal components analysis (PCA) statistics.

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Liberal
Political Views
−.173** .221** .206** .324** −.082* .070 .208* .225**
2. Health
−.067 .063 −.554** .038 −.393** .115** −.483** .182**
3. Accurate
.141** .318** .154** .566** −.067 .326** .054 .311**
4. Inaccurate
−.025 −.519** −.241** .100* .651** −.018 .652** −.025
5. Concern for
.317** .151** .567** −.194** −.224** .449** .040 .439**
6. Govt Control
−.325** −.283** −.388** .550** −.556** −.097* .533** −.275**
7. Protective
.113** .152** .335** −.138** .461** −.265** −.116** .282**
8. Risk
−.019 −.319** −.250** .422** −.312** .4118** −.312** −.102*
9. Vaccine
.225** .234** .329** −.310** .410** −.430** .250** −.284**
2020 Sample M 4.327 4.320 3.833 1.826 3.964 2.352 3.876 1.489 4.043
2020 Sample SD 1.624 0.770 0.856 0.817 0.943 0.812 0.840 0.546 1.210
2021 Sample M 4.638 4.011 3.863 2.425 4.162 2.633 3.986 1.875 4.178
2021 Sample SD 1.702 0.880 0.869 1.141 0.907 0.926 0.832 0.932 1.197
PCA KMO .686 .671 .879 .732 .819 .804 .820
PCA Factor loadings .755–.801 .615–.826 .584–.839 .671–.880 .745–.874 .495–.805 .478–.834
PCA Eigenvalue 2.479 2.284 3.503 3.094 3.327 2.949 3.323
PCA % variance 61.964 57.093 58.831 61.872 66.544 49.148 55.386
α/r .793 .734 .853 .815 .873 .768 .812 .642

Note: Correlations above the diagonal = 2020 sample; below the diagonal = 2021 sample. For liberal political views, scale ranges from 1(extremely conservative) to 7 (extremely liberal); for other variables, scores range from 1 to 5. KMO=Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. For the 2020 analyses of protective behavior, N = 668.