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. 2023 Jan 6;13(2):437–451. doi: 10.1007/s13555-022-00877-w

Table 2.

Studies investigating apremilast in palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP)

Author, year, study name, study type Comparison Number of patients PPPASI 50 (%) PPPGA 0 or 1 (%) (baseline PPPGA ≥ 3) Secondary outcomes

Amgen 2022 [17]


Apremilast vs. placebo 90 (86 with baseline PPPGA ≥ 3) 78.3 vs. 40.9 (APR vs. PBO) (week 16) [P = 0.0003]

Mean PPPASI improvement (%): 64.3 vs. 42.3 (APR vs. PBO) (week 16)

PGA 0 or 1 (%): 19.6 vs. 4.5 (APR vs. PBO) (week 16)

Reich et al. 2021 [18]


Phase II clinical trial

None 21 (19 with baseline H&F PGA ≥ 3) 33.3, 57.1, and 61.9 (weeks 4, 12 and 20)

Median PPPASI improvement (%): 57.1 (week 20) [P =  < 0.001]

PPPASI 75 (%): 9.5, 28.6, and 14.3 (weeks 4, 12, and 20)

Median DLQI improvement (%): 76.5 (week 20) [P = 0.03]

Kato et al. 2021 [21]

Retrospective cohort

None 10 80.0 (week 16)

Mean PPPASI improvement (%): 61.9 (2 ± 1 weeks) [P = 0.013]

PPPASI 75 (%): 50.0 (week 16)

Mean DLQI improvement (%): 66.0 (2 ± 1 weeks) [P = 0.009]

Kromer et al. 2019 [25]

Retrospective cohort

APR vs. cyclosporine vs. acitretin-PUVA vs. MTX vs. acitretin vs. alitretinoin vs. fumaric acid esters vs. certolizumab pegol vs. infliximab vs. golimumab vs. ustekinumab vs. adalimumab vs. secukinumab vs. etanercept) 347 (35 treated with APR)

Median drug survival (months): 15 vs. 12 vs. 9 vs. 8 vs. 6 vs. 5 vs. 3 vs. 47.4 vs. 26 vs. 22 vs. 21 vs. 18 vs. 9 vs. 8 (APR vs. cyclosporine vs. acitretin-PUVA vs. MTX vs. acitretin vs. alitretinoin vs. fumaric acid esters vs. certolizumab pegol vs. infliximab vs. golimumab vs. ustekinumab vs. adalimumab vs. secukinumab vs. etanercept)

PPPASI 75 (%): 31.4 (APR)

Kt et al. 2021 [28]

Case Series

None 5 80.0 (average treatment duration 15.2 weeks)

Mean PPPASI improvement (%): 72.9 (average treatment duration 15.2 weeks)

PPPASI 75 (%): 40.0 (average treatment duration 15.2 weeks)

APR apremilast, DLQI Dermatology Quality of Life Index, MTX methotrexate, PBO placebo, PGA physician global assessment, PPPASI Palmoplantar Pustulosis Area and Severity Index, PPPGA palmoplantar physician global assessment, PUVA psoralen plus ultraviolet A, RCT randomized controlled trial