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. 2023 Jan 16;13:1053296. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1053296

Table 1.

Exploratory structural equations modeling: factor loadings of the SAMD scale items.

SAMD Scale
Item Item loading Synchronicity awareness Synchronicity meaning-detecting
I felt that I was “in the right place, at the right time” 0.721 0.192
I ran into something or someone that I thought about in an unexpected place 0.718 0.086
I ran into a situation or a personal encounter that opened up new opportunities 0.674 0.159
I experienced an extraordinary synchronization of thought, behavior. Or words with another person 0.672 0.258
I received an answer to a certain need I had in an unpredictable way (e.g., a partner, a job offer, or an apartment) 0.662 0.216
I thought or dreamt about a person and then I met him\her somehow in the real world shortly afterwards 0.651 0.171
I thought about a person and he\she contacted me unexpectedly shortly afterwards 0.640 0.241
I thought about a particular idea and then I saw it as an external image (e.g., a quote, an ad, or a song) 0.604 0.251
While in nature, I felt a strong sense of connection to the world 0.536 0.317
I believe that unexplained events enable new discovery and development 0.212 0.781
I find signs of inner feelings in the external stimuli in the world around me 0.244 0.763
I find meaning in unexplained occurrences 0.257 0.739
I believe that listening to internal and external occurrences enables new discoveries 0.342 0.734
I sometimes feel that the environment “sends” me signals 0.308 0.729
Following experiences I’ve had, I have a sense of deep knowing of myself and the world 0.259 0.724
I am open to experiences that may not necessarily be explained by reason or causality 0.206 0.722
I tend to be attentive to intuition in my everyday life 0.242 0.673
I am curious about surprising events in my life 0.178 0.658
I walk around in the world with a sense of awe and wonder from the opportunities and surprises that the world has to offer 0.258 0.651
It happens that things related to issues I am concerned with suddenly appear more in my everyday life 0.275 0.622
I believe that there is something to be learned from any event in life 0.050 0.621
I tend to be attentive to physical and bodily sensations (e.g., goosebumps, pain, sense of warmth) 0.118 0.588

Target factor loadings are in bold.