Genomic position | Context | Strand | Gene | Methylation% CER | Methylation% STG |
4882 | CpH | + | MT-ND2 | 19.61 (5.63) | 13.48 (4.41) |
4881 | CpH | + | MT-ND2 | 19.01 (4.97) | 12.78 (4.13) |
4862 | CpH | + | MT-ND2 | 18.97 (3.12) | 12.27 (6.10) |
4880 | CpH | + | MT-ND2 | 18.75 (4.72) | 12.75 (4.16) |
4875 | CpH | + | MT-ND2 | 18.65 (4.36) | 13.42 (3.95) |
4886 | CpH | + | MT-ND2 | 18.60 (5.94) | 13.17 (3.80) |
4888 | CpH | + | MT-ND2 | 18.44 (4.91) | 13.42 (4.18) |
4869 | CpH | + | MT-ND2 | 18.34 (3.27) | 12.77 (6.65) |
4879 | CpH | + | MT-ND2 | 18.28 (4.45) | 13.01 (6.96) |
4892 | CpH | + | MT-ND2 | 18.14 (5.46) | 13.68 (4.45) |
Shown are genomic position (bp), strand, gene and average % mtDNA methylation level (± standard deviation) for the 10 most highly methylated loci in the STG (A) and CER (B).