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. 2023 Jan 16;13:1095030. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1095030


Clinical, sociodemographic, and obstetric characteristics of the pregnant women.

N (1,177) %
Minimimal (<14) 746 63
Mild [14–19] 252 21.4
Moderate [20–28] 146 12.4
Severe [29+] 33 2.8
STAI Form Y-2
Minimal 470 39.9
Mild 406 34.5
Moderate 237 20.1
Severe 64 5.5
Educational level
Secondary school 56 4.8
High school 374 31.7
University 549 46.6
Post university 198 16.9
Civil status
Married 744 63.2
Single 49 4.2
Divorced/separated 17 1.4
Cohabiters 367 31.2
Previous children 558 47.3
History of abortion 314 26.6
Pregnancy complication 156 13.2
Maternal age (range 18–56 years) 32.8 (4.3)
Weeks of gestation (range 5–41 weeks) 26.3 (8.9)
Mean Sd
MFAS total (range 61–113) 91.8 8.44
Differentiation of self (range 9–20) 16.6 2.2
Interaction with the fetus (range 11–25) 19.2 2.73
Attributing characteristics and intentions (range 11–29) 20.4 2.84
Giving of self (range 11–25) 17.9 2.34
Role taking (range 8–20) 17.7 2.31
Maternal care (range 0–63) 25.4 7.66
Paternal care (range 0–36) 21.9 9.05
Maternal control (range 0–38) 13.9 7.22
Paternal control (range 0–38) 12.5 7.38
BDI (range 0–54) 12.4 7.39
STAI Form Y-2 (range 21–79) 43.9 9.91

PAI, Prenatal Attachment Inventory; BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory; STAI-Y, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.