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. 2022 Jan 26;34(4):e20210076. doi: 10.1590/2317-1782/20212021076

Table 1. Comparison of comorbidities between groups.

Açaí Placebo Total P-value1
N % N % N %
TMD No 10 66.7% 7 46.7% 17 56.7% 0.293
Yes 5 33.3% 8 53.3% 13 43.3%
Dizziness No 10 66.7% 14 93.3% 24 80% 0.146
Yes 5 33.3% 1 6.7% 6 20%
Psychological No 6 40.0% 5 33.3% 11 36.7% 0.741
Yes 9 60.0% 10 66.7% 19 63.3%
Hypercholesterolemia No 11 73.3% 11 73.3% 22 73.3% 0.887
Yes 4 26.7% 4 26.7% 8 26.7%
Hypertension No 10 66.7% 12 80.0% 22 73.3% 0.484
Yes 5 33.3% 3 20.0% 8 26.7%
Hormonal No 15 100% 14 93.3% 29 96.7% 0.146
Yes 0 0.0% 1 6.7% 1 3.3%
Medication No 5 33.3% 4 26.7% 9 30% 0.431
Yes 10 66.7% 11 73.3% 21 70%

Chi-Square Test

Caption: TMD= temporomandibular disorder N = number of subjects; % = percentage.