Fig. 1. Study design and global genomic patterns of metastatic breast tumors.
a, Cohort description of the AURORA Metastatic Project. b, Diagram of the shared or individual tumor DNA methylation, WGS/whole-exome sequencing (WES) and RNAseq data successfully performed on each of the 55 participants; DNAme, DNA methylation; prim, primary; met, metastasis. c, Global profiling of the DNA methylation landscape using the top 5,000 most variable cancer-associated hypermethylated CpGs in 97 paired and 34 unpaired primary and metastatic tumors. Samples were intentionally ordered by participant to visually inspect the within-participant conservation of DNA methylation patterns. d, Supervised hierarchical cluster analysis of 102 paired and 21 unpaired primary and metastatic RNA-sequenced tumors using the so-called 1,900 intrinsic gene list (~1710 genes found in this dataset)21. e, OncoPrint panel of DNA somatic mutations displaying 37 of the most frequently mutated genes in 41 primary and 93 metastatic tumors. The percentage on the right indicates the mutation frequency of each gene across samples; LumA, Luminal A; LumB, Luminal B, Claudin, Claudin-low; normal, normal-like; Del, deletion; Ins, insertion. This figure was partly generated using Servier Medical Art, provided by Servier, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported license (