Fig. 2. A distinct cardiac macrophage subset is associated with the recovery of SICM.
a, UMAP plots of 24,058 monocyte-macrophages allocated to the eight clusters from Fig. 1c. b, Heat map showing top 20 cluster marker genes (top, color-coded by cluster and condition) with exemplar genes and cluster annotations labeled. c, UMAP plots of the monocyte-macrophage compartment from WT mice at SS, 3, 7 and 21 d after CLP, annotated by cluster as in a. d, Bar plots showing cluster distribution within the monocyte-macrophage compartment from WT mice after CLP. e, Representative contour plots showing flow cytometric analysis of cardiac CD45+CD11b+F4/80+CD163+RETNLA+ macrophages from WT mice after CLP. f, Quantification of CD163+RETNLA+ macrophages per mg of cardiac tissue. Bars show mean ± s.e.m. Two-sided P values were determined by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey’s multiple comparison test. g,h, Correlation of cardiac CD163+RETNLA+ macrophage numbers with EF and cTnI levels. Data are presented as two-tailed Spearman’s rank correlation. Dashed lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Each symbol represents one animal (SS, n = 8 mice; CLP 3 d, n = 8 mice; CLP 7 d, n = 9 mice; CLP 21 d, n = 10 mice) (f,g). Results represent four independent experiments in this figure (Extended Data Fig. 3).