Extended Data Fig. 2. Single-cell characterization and flow cytometric analysis of the cardiac immune cells during sepsis progression, related to Fig. 1.
a, Violin plots of average unique molecular identifier (UMI) (left) and gene (right) numbers of scRNA-seq at different stages of sepsis. Each dot represents a cell. b, UMAP plots showing the expression of selected marker genes for the defined cell types in Fig. 1c. c, Violin plots showing the expression of selected marker genes in all defined cell types corresponding to Fig. 1c. d, Gating strategy of 10-color flow cytometry for identifying various types of immune cells in murine hearts. e, Graph showing percentages of cardiac immune cells during sepsis progression (n = 4 - 5 mice for each treatment). Each symbol represents one animal in e. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. Two-sided P values were determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test, n.s., not significant. In e, experiments were performed four times.