Fig. 2.
Interferon gamma release assay dynamics in the participants. (a) Dynamics of QuantiFERON (QFN) SARS-CoV-2 of all the participants. Geometric means and 95 % confidential interval of the interferon gamma concentration released by CD4 + T-cells after antigen 1 stimulation (IFN-γ for Ag1) are shown in blue, and geometric means and 95 % confidential interval of interferon gamma concentration released by CD4 + T-cells and CD8 + T-cells after antigen 2 stimulation (IFN-γ for Ag2) are shown in red. Paired t-tests of logarithms of the geometric means of IFN-γ for Ag1 and Ag2 8 weeks after the second dose were equivalent to those 6 months after the third dose. (b) Difference in the geometric means of QFN results between male (blue) and female (red) participants. No difference between male and female was observed at any time point. (c) Difference in the geometric mean of QFN results between participants aged 50 years and older (orange) and participants younger than 50 years (blue). Younger participants tended to have higher geometric mean QFN results than those of the older participants, and statistically significant differences were observed 6 months after the second dose and 8 weeks after the third dose (t-test of logarithms). Abbrrrreviations: QFN, QuantiFERON SARS-CoV-2 assay; IFN-γ, interferon gamma; Ag1, antigen 1; Ag2, antigen 2; wks, weeks; mos, months; aft, after; 2nd, administration of the second dose; 3rd, administration of the third dose.