(A) Representative immunoblot images of p38 (pThr180/Tyr182 and total) and Erk1/2 (pThr202/Tyr204 and total) in MHC-Plin5 and WT heart lysates after a 16-h fast. HPRT, loading control. (B) Quantification of (A). (C) Representative immunoblot images of p110α, p85, Akt (pSer473 and total), p70 S6K (pThr389 and total), and E4-BP1 (pThr37/Thr46) in MHC-Plin5 and WT heart lysates after a 16-h fast. (D) Quantification of (C). Values are the mean ± SEM; P-values are calculated by a t test (n = 5–6 [WT], 5–8 [MHC-Plin5]).
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