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. 2021 Sep 30;14(3):50–67. doi: 10.11621/pir.2021.0304

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics and correlations between optimistic attributional style, subjective well-being and personality variables

  α Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Satisfaction with life .81 4.74 1.06                  
2. Subjective happiness .81 4.91 1.23 .66***                
3. OAS-Positive .80 4.38 .95 .35*** .35***              
4. OAS-Negative .85 4.21 1.01 .02 .14** .01            
5. Dispositional optimism .89 2.99 .79 .45*** .65*** .32*** .15**          
6. Self-esteem .83 3.13 .50 .43*** .61*** .35*** .30*** .59***        
7. Gratitude .73 5.78 .91 .43*** .47*** .29*** –.01 .40*** .32***      
8. Savoring, anticipating .85 5.31 1.03 .13* .26*** .18** .01 .37*** .25*** .27***    
9. Savoring the moment .82 4.96 1.11 .40*** .64*** .24*** .16* .59*** .52*** .43*** .45***  
10. Savoring, reminiscing .84 5.45 1.01 .28*** .35*** .15* .07 .47*** .30*** .35*** .56*** .59***
11. Savoring, Total .91 5.24 .87 .33*** .51*** .23*** .09 .57*** .44*** .42*** .80*** .83*** .86***

Note. Pairwise deletion of missing data (N is from 261 to 268), * = p ≤ .05; ** = p ≤ .01; *** = p ≤ .001; α = Cronbach’s.