ID | Description | Sequence (5′ to 3′)a |
0001 | 16S rRNA fragment to confirm culture purity | ACGGCTACCTTGTTACGACTT |
0002 | 16S rRNA fragment to confirm culture purity | ACGGCTACCTTGTTACGACTT |
0224 | pDGO145 backbone | GATATCGCCTCGTGATACGC |
0226 | PgapDH-cat-hpt selection cassette from pDGO145 | CTGAACTACTGGGCCAGGTATG |
0227 | PgapDH-cat-hpt selection cassette from pDGO145 | ATCGTGGGAATAGGCATGG |
0557 | Internal region of malE with an overhang matching the pDGO145 backbone | gcggcattatccctgattttttcactactattagcagctgGTTTATCTGGTTCGGGAAGTCG |
0558 | Internal region of malE with an overhang matching the PgapDH-cat-hpt cassette | cctccccatgctttaatacatacctggcccagtagttcagCGAAGATATATCCGCTCCGAGATG |
0559 | 5′-flank to malE with an overhang matching the PgapDH-cat-hpt cassette | tccgggaaaacaaatcaaccTTGATTCTACCTCCAAATTA |
0560 | 5′-flank to malE with an overhang matching the pDGO145 backbone | acattaacctataaaaataggcgtatcacgaggcgatatcCTGTGGGAAAAGTTATAGGT |
0561 | 3′-flank to malE with an overhang matching the PgapDH-cat-hpt cassette | cctcgggcaaaaaaatcttttccatgcctattcccacgatAAGCCCAATATAATTACTGTCGC |
0562 | 3′-flank to malE with an overhang matching the pyk gene from T. saccharolyticum | gtatagtgaatataaaatagCCGGAGTTGCAAGAATATAAAAC |
0563 | pyk gene from T. saccharolyticum with an overhang matching the 3′-flank of malE | ttatattcttgcaactccggCTATTTTATATTCACTATACCTTTGTAGACCA |
0552 | pyk gene from T. saccharolyticum with an overhang matching the Peno promoter | atatgaagggagaatggagaATGCGTAGAACTAAGATAATATGCACG |
0553 | Peno promoter with an overhang matching pyk | attatcttagttctacgcatTCTCCATTCTCCCTTCATATAGC |
0564 | Peno promoter with an overhang matching the 5′-flank of malE | taatttggaggtagaatcaaGGTTGATTTGTTTTCCCGGAA |
1001 | 5′-flank to gogat with an overhang matching the pDGO145 backbone | attttgtttcccataggcgcgccgatTCCCCCCTCATCATGGGGAATATATGTGGG |
1002 | 5′-flank to gogat with an overhang matching its 3′-flank | tattttgcagaatacatgaggcggccgcTAGCCGAGAATATGGCCAAAGGAGGT |
1003 | 3′-flank to gogat with an overhang matching its 5′-flank | tagcggccgcCTCATGTATTCTGCAAAATACATTTTTT |
1004 | 3′-flank to gogat with an overhang matching the PgapDH-cat-hpt cassette | attaattttttaaATACTTTCGCTTCTCCTCTATGAGCT |
1005 | PgapDH-cat-hpt cassette with an overhang matching the 3′-flank of gogat | agaggagaagcgaaagtatTTAAAAAATTAATTATTTTTTATCTAAACTATTGAA |
1006 | PgapDH-cat-hpt cassette with an overhang matching the int region of gogat | tccggaggatgtcggagagttTTATGAATACATTTCAGGTTTCAAAACGCC |
1007 | int region of gogat with an overhang matching the PgapDH-cat-hpt | aatgtattcataaAACTCTCCGACATCCTCCGGAAAACC |
1008 | int region of gogat with an overhang matching the pDGO145 backbone | tatacactccgctagcgcggatccgattTGAAAGAAGGTCAAATAAGGATACCGTCGGG |
0033 | Sequencing of hpt region in pJY19; confirmation of PgapDH-cat-hpt selection cassette removal | GCTATCTTTACAGGTACATCATTCTGTTTGTG |
0034 | Sequencing of hpt region in pJY19; confirmation of PgapDH-cat-hpt selection cassette removal | TTTCATCAAAGTCCAATCCATAACCC |
0050 | Sequencing of int region in pJY19 | CCAGACGAAAAAGTTTTGAC |
0051 | Sequencing of int region in pJY19 | TATGTCACGCTTACATTCAC |
0284 | Sequencing of int to hpt region in pJY19 | GTTAGAGCGGCATTATCCCT |
0555 | Sequencing of backbone to 5′-flank in pJY19 | GAGCGGATACATATTTGAATG |
0556 | Sequencing of 5′-flank to Peno-pyk region in pJY19 | AGTTGGTATGAATTTATTCC |
0565 | Sequencing of 5′-flank to backbone in pJY19 | TCTATTCCATACATGCCG |
0566 | Sequencing of 3′-flank to PgapDH region in pJY19 | GCATATAAGATCCGCTTTC |
0567 | Sequencing of 3′-flank to pyk region in pJY19 and AVM064 | GAAGCCGTAAGTGTGGATG |
0568 | Sequencing of 5′-flank to pyk in AVM064 | ATCCATCGTAAATTCCGAAG |
0281 | Sequencing of PgapDH to 3′-flank region in pJY19 | AAGAAAACAGACGCGCCC |
0283 | Sequencing of pyk to 3′-flank region in pJY19 and AVM064 | ATCATCGTTGCTCAAAAAACTG |
0159 | Sequencing of tdk region in pJY19 | GGTACGAATGTATAAGATGGTGC |
0267 | Sequencing of tdk region in pJY19 | TTCTCCTGCCACATGAAG |
0286 | Sequencing of tdk region in pJY19 | GCATGTTGTCGCCGTTATGA |
0232 | Sequencing of pyk region in pJY19 | ATGCGTAGAACTAAGATAATATGCACG |
0275 | Sequencing of pyk region in pJY19 and AVM064 | GAGATATAGGCGCAACTGCC |
0276 | Sequencing of pyk region in pJY19 and AVM064 | GCGACAGGTATTCCTGCCGA |
0277 | Sequencing of pyk region in pJY19 and AVM064; confirmation of Peno-pyk insertion in AVM064 | GGAATCGACATGATTGCAGCG |
0278 | Sequencing of pyk region in pJY19 and AVM064 | TTTCGACACCCAAATCGCCG |
0279 | Sequencing of pyk to Peno-5′-flank in pJY19 and AVM064 | CAGGCCCTTTTGTATCAAGC |
1009 | Sequencing of gogat region in pNJ22::GOGAT_del | ACGCACGAAAAGCCCTCTAG |
1010 | Sequencing of gogat region in pNJ22::GOGAT_del | AGGCGAGTCGGATAAATTTC |
1011 | Sequencing of gogat region in pNJ22::GOGAT_del | AATAAAAACGGTGAGTTTCC |
1012 | Sequencing of gogat region in pNJ22::GOGAT_del | GACGGAGAGTTAGGTTATTGGG |
1013 | Sequencing of gogat region in pNJ22::GOGAT_del | ACAGAAGAAGAGTTGAAGGAAAAG |
1014 | Sequencing of gogat region in pNJ22::GOGAT_del | CATCCTCCGGAAAACCTACC |
0285 | Confirmation of Pcbp-tdk selection marker removal | ACGTTATATTGCTTGCCGGG |
0289 | Confirmation of Pcbp-tdk selection marker removal | AAGACTCCTTTGCTCCAACC |
0569 | Confirmation of malE deletion, Peno-pyk insertion | CTTGTAGTATCCAATCCTGTTGACA |
0472 | Confirmation of malE deletion, Peno-pyk insertion | GTTGTAATGGTAAGCTGTTGCG |
0544 | Confirmation of malE deletion | GAGACATAGGACCTGAAGCC |
0570 | Confirmation of malE deletion | GCTCTTACATCAAGCGCACC |
0238 | Confirmation of hpt deletion | CACTTTCTTGTTGGCTCTGGCAGC |
0239 | Confirmation of hpt deletion | CCGGAGATGAGGCTTTTGTTGAGAAC |
0003 | Confirmation of nfnAB deletion | TCATCCACCCACGGTACT |
0004 | Confirmation of nfnAB deletion | GGGGGAAATGTATAAGAGGGGA |
0681 | Confirmation of gogat deletion | AGAACATATTAAAACCCCGGCA |
0682 | Confirmation of gogat deletion | TGGGTAAAATGGGTTGCTCC |
1015 | Confirmation of gogat deletion | CTATCTTTTTGTTTATCTTCATTACACATC |
1016 | Confirmation of gogat deletion | GATTTGCAGGTTATGGAATCTATC |
1017 | Confirmation of gogat deletion | CAGACAATTTTCTATGACAATATCTTTATC |
1018 | Confirmation of gogat deletion | TACAGGTTTGATAAAAGATATAAACGG |
1019 | Confirmation of gogat deletion | TCTATTTCATGTTGCCCGGG |
1020 | Confirmation of gogat deletion | AACCATACTTCCGAATACATTGGG |
The annealing sequences are represented by uppercase letters. The overhang sequences used for the Gibson assembly are represented by lowercase letters.