Figure 2. Functional analysis of the TRPV1N331K channel.
(A) Western blot analysis of T-REx-293 cells stably expressing hTRPV1WT (clone 2) or hTRPV1N331K (clone 2) at 2 different doses and durations of TET incubation, using anti-TRPV1 (α-TRPV1) antibody. α-Actin antibody was used as a protein loading control (n = 3). (B) Traces of Fura-2–based Ca2+ imaging from a representative plate of T-REx-293 cell lines stably expressing hTRPV1WT at LE levels (left trace), hTRPV1N331K at LE levels (middle trace), and hTRPV1N331K at HE levels (right trace) in response to application of capsaicin (left and middle, 1 μM; right, 100 μM). Application of the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin (Iono) served as a positive control (middle and right traces). The thick red line represents the mean trace. SES, standard extracellular solution. (C–F) Maximal (max) normalized fluorescence changes from baseline (see Methods) during the application of various TRPV1 agonists. (C) hTRPV1WT LE, 1 μM capsaicin (Cap) (N = 5 plates, n = 287 cells), hTRPV1N331K LE, 1 μM capsaicin (N = 3, n = 189), hTRPV1N331K HE, 100 μM capsaicin (N = 3, n = 178); (D) hTRPV1WT LE, 10 nM RTX (N = 2, n = 88), hTRPV1N331K HE, 500 nM RTX (N = 2, n = 100); (E) hTRPV1WT LE, solution of pH = 4 (low pH, N = 6, n = 340), hTRPV1N331K LE, low pH (N = 2, n = 161), hTRPV1N331K HE, low pH (N = 4, n = 232); (F) hTRPV1WT LE, 2 μM DkTx (N = 2, n = 202), hTRPV1N331K HE, 5 μM DkTx (N = 2, n = 204), hTRPV1N331K HE, 5 μM DkTx plus 10 μM capsaicin (N = 2, n = 204). (G) Maximal normalized fluorescence changes from baseline during heat ramp from 25°C to 50°C at various temperatures: hTRPV1WT LE, heat (N = 4, n = 155); hTRPV1N331K HE, heat (N = 6, n = 155). ****P < 0.0001, by 2-tailed Student’s t test with Bonferroni’s correction for multiple comparisons (C–F) and 2-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s correction for multiple comparisons (G).