Figure 2. T-REX17 cellular and molecular characterization.
(A) Time resolved qRT-PCR profiling SOX17 (green) and T-REX17 (orange) transcript levels during endoderm differentiation (normalized to the housekeeping gene 18s). Symbols indicate the mean and error bars indicate SD across three independent experiments. (B) Lineage tree heatmap showing SOX17 (green) and T-REX17 (orange) expression across EN derived embryonic and adult tissues as measured by RNA-seq, extracted from a curated data set of the Roadmap Epigenome Project (Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium et al., 2015; Supplementary file 1). TPM, transcripts per million. aPS, anterior primitive streak; AFE, anterior foregut endoderm; PFE, posterior foregut endoderm; MHG; mid-hindgut; PPT, Peyer’s patch tissue; S, sigmoid; T, transverse. (C) smRNA-FISH of T-REX17 in PSCs (left) and EN cells (right) counter-stained with Hoechst. Red arrowheads indicate two brighter and bigger foci present in each cell, potentially representing sites of nascent transcription. Scale bars, 10 µm. (D) Frequencies of T-REX17 smRNA-FISH foci in the nuclear (grey) or the cytoplasmic (white) compartments. n=79, number of analyzed cells. Lines of the violin plot indicate interquartile range around the median value. In the stacked barplot, error bars indicate SD around the mean value. (E) Barplots showing coding potential scores of randomly sampled LNCRNA ORFs (n=257,992) (grey) versus T-REX17 ORFs (n=40) (orange). Scores are shown on the x-axis while ORF-density is plotted on the y-axis. Both conditions area is equal and compared to SOX17 ORFs as coding gene control. n, number of analyzed ORFs. (F) Schematic of T-REX17 isoform structure derived from MinION-seq reads of endoderm cDNA. Exons are shown in orange while the poly(A) is shown in white. The arrow indicates the transcriptional start site (TSS). Pie chart shows isoform reads (Ex1+2 black n=16, Ex1+3 grey n=11) and ‘sloppy spliced’ (white n=89) transcript distribution as measured by MinIONseq (Supplementary file 1).