Extended Data Fig. 7. Cryo-EM data processing procedure and model of dimeric ClbP.
a, Processing scheme for classification and refinement of ClbP. Locally filtered map with dust hidden used for the final reconstruction for clarity. b, Superposition of the cryo-EM (tan) and crystal (gray) structures of dimeric ClbP. Both structures are nearly identical (RMSD of 0.830 Å over 904 residues), except for a ~5° bend of the TMDs towards the center of the dimer cavity in the cryo-EM structures. c, Superposition of the cryo-EM and crystal structures focusing on a single subunit. View related to b by a 90° rotation. d, The 3D reconstruction of dimeric ClbP revealed a branched density in the active site that likely corresponds to a copurified lipid. Density is contoured at 5.5σ and the catalytic triad residues are shown as sticks for reference.