Table 2.
Number of individuals with an event before the second booster* | Number of individuals with an event after the second booster* | Risk difference after second booster (95% CI; number of events per 10 000 people)† | Number of individuals with event after the first booster* | Risk difference of second boosters versus first boosters (95% CI; number of events per 10 000 people)† | |
Acute kidney injury | 8 | 11 | 1·68 (−3·37 to 6·74) | 5 | 3·93 (−0·56 to 8·42) |
Anaemia | 203 | 193 | −5·61 (−27·51 to 16·28) | 191 | −2·25 (−25·82 to 21·89) |
Appendicitis | 2 | 3 | 0·56 (−1·68 to 2·81) | 6 | −0·56 (−3·93 to 2·81) |
Arrhythmia | 170 | 158 | −6·74 (−26·95 to 12·91) | 144 | 7·86 (−12·91 to 28·63) |
Arthritis or arthropathy | 38 | 29 | −5·05 (−14·03 to 3·93) | 32 | −1·68 (−10·10 to 6·74) |
Bell's palsy | 8 | 5 | −1·68 (−5·61 to 2·25) | 5 | −2·25 (−6·18 to 1·68) |
Cerebrovascular accident | 95 | 91 | −2·25 (−17·40 to 12·91) | 80 | 10·10 (−5·05 to 25·26) |
Deep vein thrombosis | 0 | 2 | 1·12 (0 to 2·81) | 2 | 0 (−2·81 to 2·81) |
Herpes simplex virus infection | 12 | 15 | 1·68 (−3·93 to 7·29) | 11 | 2·25 (−3·37 to 7·86) |
Herpes zoster infection | 20 | 33 | 7·30 (−0·56 to 15·16) | 24 | 2·81 (−5·61 to 11·23) |
Intracranial haemorrhage | 4 | 9 | 2·81 (−1·12 to 6·74) | 2 | 2·25 (−2·25 to 7·30) |
Lymphadenopathy | 26 | 20 | −3·37 (−10·67 to 4·50) | 30 | −7·30 (−15·72 to 0·56) |
Lymphopenia | 0 | 0 | .. | 0 | .. |
Myocardial infarction | 15 | 19 | 2·25 (−3·93 to 8·98) | 15 | 3·93 (−2·81 to 11·23) |
Myocarditis | 0 | 0 | .. | 1 | −0·56 (−1·68 to 0) |
Neutropenia | 11 | 12 | 0·56 (−4·50 to 5·61) | 8 | 2·81 (−2·25 to 7·86) |
Other thrombosis | 4 | 3 | −0·56 (−3·37 to 2·25) | 1 | 0·56 (−1·68 to 2·81) |
Paresthesia | 60 | 64 | 2·25 (−10·11 to 14·60) | 51 | 2·81 (−9·54 to 15·16) |
Pericarditis | 4 | 0 | −2·25 (−4·49 to −0·56) | 2 | −2·25 (−4·49 to −0·56) |
Pulmonary embolus | 8 | 6 | −1·12 (−5·05 to 2·81) | 4 | −0·56 (−3·93 to 2·81) |
Seizures | 7 | 4 | −1·68 (−5·62 to 1·69) | 2 | 1·69 (−1·12 to 4·49) |
Syncope | 38 | 41 | 1·68 (−7·86 to 11·23) | 35 | 9·54 (−0·56 to 20·21) |
Thrombocytopenia | 17 | 9 | −4·49 (−10·10 to 1·12) | 9 | −1·12 (−6·18 to 3·93) |
Uveitis | 3 | 3 | 0 (−2·81 to 2·81) | 3 | 0 (−2·81 to 2·81) |
Vertigo | 137 | 153 | 8·98 (−9·54 to 27·51) | 133 | 3·93 (−16·84 to 24·14) |
Pairwise comparative analysis including 17 814 participants.
42-day period before or after the booster dose.
The risk difference and CIs were estimated for each individual in a paired fashion with the use of percentile bootstrap method with 10 000 repetitions.