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. 2023 Jan 17;7:e41011. doi: 10.2196/41011

Table 2.

Text message phrases presented to focus groups.

Type of message Phrasesa
Introductory phrases
  • Thanks for being a Wake Forest Baptist Health patient.

  • An automated analysis of your Wake Forest health record indicates you may benefit from [a blood sugar screening test/glucose screening using Hemoglobin A1c].

  • Take Control of your health [today. Take a free test at Wake Forest Baptist Health/Take a free Hemoglobin A1c test at Wake Forest Baptist Health/by getting a free blood sugar test].

  • An automated analysis of your Wake Forest health record indicates you may benefit from having a blood sugar screening test.

  • WFBHb has created a calculator that suggests your blood sugar levels may be high.

  • A review of your medical records suggests you may be at risk of having a high blood sugar level. This can lead to health problems.

Additional information
  • Our records indicate that you have not had a [blood sugar screening/Hemoglobin A1c blood test] in the past year.

  • You can learn more [at/about a blood sugar screening test here/about A1c testing at] (link).

  • View (link) for more information.

Confirming interest or participation
  • Reply YES [to sign up/ to have the test/to have the test ordered/to schedule the test/if interested/to find out more/so we can order the test for you]. Reply NO to opt out.

Attending the laboratory
  • Great! The test has been ordered. Please stop by any Wake Forest Laboratory [at (link)] to have your blood drawn.

  • You do NOT need to fast before the test.

  • You can drop by any of our labs at your convenience for this free [blood sugar] test.

  • Locations and hours [for labs/for Wake Forest labs] may be found at (link).

  • You can drop by a lab at any time it is open.

Reminder message
  • Don’t forget to stop by [one of our labs/a Wake Forest Baptist Health Lab to have your (blood sugar screening test/A1c test)]. Here is list of times and locations: (link). You can drop by a lab anytime it is open. Learn more at (link).

  • Results will be sent to you using your current preferences [(MyWakeHealth or letter through the mail)].

  • Blood sugar levels outside the normal range will also be sent to your [primary care] physician.

aThis summarizes the texts that were presented. Brackets indicate the different phrases used in conjunction with the overarching text message outside of those brackets, and forward slashes indicate the start and end of different phrases that were tested. For example, “Locations and hours [for labs/for Wake Forest Labs] may be found at (link).” This indicates that we tested both “locations and hours for labs may be found at (link)” and “locations and hours for Wake Forest Labs may be found at (link).”

bWFBH: Wake Forest Baptist Health.