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. 1998 Mar;62(1):1–34. doi: 10.1128/mmbr.62.1.1-34.1998


Interfamilial comparison scores for representative members of families 7 to 17a

Protein 1 Family Protein 2 Family Comparison scores (SD) % Identity No. of residues compared No. of gaps
FucP 7, FGHS Gtr5 1, SP 8 21 125 0
NasA 8, NNP YidT 14, ACS 13 21 150 0
Ph84 9, PHS Itr1 1, SP 10 24 586 19
NupG 10, NHS CscB 5, OHS 12 19 415 8
YhjX 11, OFA Ykw1 13, MCP 11 18 402 5
NanT 12, SHS CitA 6, MHS 10 25 407 11
Mot1 13, MCP NanT 12, SHS 10 17 494 5
GudT 14, ACS Bmr1 3, DHA12 12 22 389 8
YheO 15, UMF Sge1 2, DHA14 12 18 543 5
PcaK 16, AAHS GudT 14, ACS 13 18 438 5
YycB 17, CP NarK 8, NNP 10 21 408 6

Comparison scores expressed in standard deviations (SD) were determined with the GAP program with 500 random shuffles. Family and protein abbreviations are as indicated in Table 1 and Tables 3 to 17, respectively, with the exception of proteins from families 2 (DHA14) and 3 (DHA12), which are tabulated in reference 60