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. 2023 Feb 1;23:45. doi: 10.1186/s12886-023-02800-z

Table 1.

Electronic VF data transfer survey results

Q1. Institution N (%)
 University hospital 33 (66)
 Eye clinic (≤ 19 beds) 9 (18)
 Eye hospital (≥ 20 beds) 5 (10)
 General hospital 3 (6)
Q2. Region in Japan
 Tokyo 12 (24)
 Kinki 9 (18)
 Hokuriku 7 (14)
 Kanto 5 (10)
 Tokai 5 (10)
 Chugoku-Shikoku 5 (10)
 Kyusyu 4 (8)
 Hokkaido-Tohoku 3 (6)
Q3. Perimetry used
 Humphrey (Carl-Zeiss Meditec, Germany) 50 (100)
 Imo (Crewt Medical Systems, Japan) 18 (36)
 Kowa (Kowa, Japan) 8 (16)
 Octopus (Haag-Streit, Switzerland) 4 (8)
Q4. VF progression analysis software used
 BeeFiles (BeeLine, Japan) 32 (64)
 Claio (Findex, Japan) 12 (24)
 Perimetry company-provided software (e.g., Guided Progression Analysis, Forum, …) 6 (12)
Q5. When glaucoma patients are transferred (referred/referring), do you actively transfer patients’ electronic VF data in a format that allows progression analysis (not jpeg, pdf, or other data that do not allow progression analysis)?
 No (go to Q6, 7) 40 (80)
 Yes (go to Q8-11) 10 (20)
Q6. Why are you not active in electronic VF data transfer?
 No support of data transfer by neighboring institutes 26 (65)
 No support of data transfer by own institute 25 (63)
 Takes time and effort 13 (33)
 Personal data protection 6 (15)
 Not required for diagnosis (printout is enough) 4 (10)
 Other reason 4 (10)
Q7. Do you think it would be ideal to do electronic data transfer (if the environment is available)?
 Yes 40 (100)
 No 0 (0)
Q8. What is your usual method of data transfer?
 USB flash memory 10 (100)
 Electric medical record network/cloud system 4 (40)
 Floppy disc 3 (30)
Q9. For glaucoma patients, what percentage of referral letters from the referring institutes accompany electronic VF data in a format that allows for progression analysis from the beginning?
 < 25% 7 (70)
 25%-50% 2 (20)
 50%-75% 0 (0)
 ≥ 75% 1 (10)
Q10. If the referral letter from the referring institute does not accompany electronic VF data in a format that allows for progression analysis, what percentage requests data transfer further?
 < 25% 4 (40)
 25%-50% 4 (40)
 50%-75% 0 (0)
 ≥ 75% 2 (20)
Q11. Have you ever been rejected (or not responded to) a request to provide data to a referring institute?
 Never rejected (including never requested) 4 (40)
 Rejected because of "different perimetry equipment" 6 (60)
 Rejected because "we don't do data transfers" 4 (40)
 Rejected because "we don't know how to transfer data" 4 (40)
 Rejected because of "personal data protection" 1 (10)
 Rejected because of "no compensation/reimbursement" 1 (10)