FIG. 3.
Surface expression of cell wall proteins. Phase-contrast (A and C) and immunofluorescence (B, D, and E to I) of C. albicans blastoconidia (B) and mycelial filaments (M) reacted with different polyclonal and monoclonal antibody preparations raised to protein and glycoprotein cell wall constituents. Some antibodies recognized antigens that appeared to be specific for or preferentially expressed in germ tubes (A and D) or blastoconidia (E and F). Arrows in panels A to D point to the location of mother blastoconidia (A and C) that exhibited no fluorescence (B and D). Some antigens appeared to be homogenously distributed on the surface of mycelial filaments (B and D) or blastoconidia (G). However, patches of greater fluorescence intensity were observed with other antisera preparations (H and I), suggesting that antigens recognized by such antisera were heterogenously and randomly distributed within the cell wall structure. The pictures in panels B and D to G are from standard immunofluorescence microscopy observations. Panels H and I show single-focal-plane sections of different cells obtained by confocal fluorescence microscopy and associated software. Bar, 10 μm (except for panel G, which is 1.25 μm). Panels A to D reprinted from reference 59 with permission of the American Society for Microbiology. Panels E and F reprinted from reference 24 with permission of the American Society for Microbiology. Panel G reprinted from reference 72 with permission of the American Society for Microbiology. Panels H and I reprinted from reference 328 with permission of the American Society for Microbiology.