Fig. 4. Depth sections (map view) through the 3D seismic attenuation model.
Seismic properties are shown at depths of 50 km (top row) and 85 km (bottom row), with QS−1 (left) and Qκ−1/Qμ−1 (middle), and VP/VS (42) and VS from teleseismic Rayleigh waves (44) (right). Low VS zones are highlighted by the magenta contours covering 4.15 to 4.35 km/s in intervals of 0.05 km/s. The thick cyan lines give the coastlines of islands. Fracture zones (FZs; and their projected positions) are shown as dashed orange lines (15–20, Fifteen-Twenty; ma, Marathon; me, Mercurius; ve, Vema). The slab-top at the corresponding section depth is shown by the red dashed line. Other labeled features are defined as per Fig. 3 and are discussed in Results.