Figure 4.
Original and modified EWGSOP2 definitions for probable, confirmed and severe sarcopenia in relation to risk of mortality among white men after adjustment for age and weight. ALMi, appendicular lean mass index (kg/m2); EWGSOP2, 2019 European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People; HCS, Hertfordshire Cohort Study; Health ABC, Health, Aging and Body Composition Study; MrOS, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study; SarcoPhAge, Sarcopenia and Physical impairment with advancing Age Study. Estimates are missing for cohorts where no participants had the corresponding sarcopenia definition. Original thresholds (graphs at the top of the figure): probable (grip strength <27 kg); confirmed (grip strength <27 kg and ALM index <7.0 kg/m2); and severe (grip strength <27 kg and ALM index <7.0 kg/m2 and gait speed ≤0.8 m/s). Modified thresholds for grip strength and gait speed are used in graphs at the bottom of the figure. Overall prevalence of the condition across all cohorts is stated in the graph subtitles in square brackets.