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. 2022 Feb 22;192(1):105–113. doi: 10.1007/s11845-022-02944-9

Table 1.

Characteristics of the randomized controlled trails included in the study

Author Country Study design Health status Outcome Sample size Age(y) BMI
Intervention Control
Ambring et al. [28] Sweden Crossover Healthy FBF 22 43 26 - 12 MedDiet Swedish diet
Buscemi et al. [29] Italy Parallel Obese FMD 20 38 34.2 128/88 8 MedDiet Atkins low carbohydrate diet
Ceriello et al. [30] Spain Parallel DM2 FMD 24 - 29.5 116/78 12 MedDiet + MUFA Low-fat diet
Davis et al. [20] Australia Parallel Healthy FMD 166 71 26.9 124/71 24 MedDiet Habitual diet
Esposito et al. [31] Italy Parallel MetS EFS 180 44 28 135/86 96 MedDiet Prudent diet
Fuentes et al. [32] Spain Crossover Hypercholestrolemic FMD, BVS 22 40 - - 8 MedDiet + MUFA NCEP-1 diet
Jaacks et al. [33] USA Parallel Overweight FMD 30 51 31.5 - 8 MedDiet Habitual diet
Klonizakis et al. [34] UK Parallel Healthy CM 22 55 30.5 127/79 8 MedDiet + exercise Non-MedDiet + exercise
Maiorino et al. [35] Italy Parallel DM2 CIMT 215 52 29.6 140/87 121 MedDiet Low-fat diet
Marin et al. [36] Spain Crossover Healthy CM 20 67 31.9 - 4 MedDiet SFA diet
Murie-Fernandez et al. [37] Spain Parallel CVD risk CIMT 187 67 29.4 - 48 G1:MedDiet + EVOO Low-fat diet
G2: MedDiet + nuts
Sala-Vila et al. [38] Spain Parallel CVD risk ICA-IMT 175 66 29.6 150/81 115 G1:MedDiet + EVOO Low-fat diet
G2: MedDiet + nuts
Thomazella et al. [39] Brazil Parallel ACS FMD, BVS 42 55 26.4 136/84 12 MedDiet Low-fat diet
Torres-Peña et al. [40] Spain Parallel DM2 FMD 438 61 31.8 - 72 MedDiet + EVOO Low-fat diet
Torres-Peña et al. [40] Spain Parallel pDM2 FMD 289 58 30.3 - 72 MedDiet + EVOO Low-fat diet
Torres-Peña et al. [40] Spain Parallel Healthy FMD 78 56 29.5 - 72 MedDiet + EVOO Low-fat diet
Yubero-Serrano et al. [41] Spain Parallel CHD FMD 805 60 30.9 137/77 52 MedDiet Low-fat diet

ACS acute coronary syndromes, BVS baseline vessel size, CHD coronary heart disease, CIMT carotid intima-media thickness, CM cutaneous microvascular function, CVD risk risk of cardiovascular disease, DBP diastolic blood pressure, DM2 type 2 diabetes, EFS endothelial function score, EVOO extra virgin olive oil, FBF forearm blood flow, FMD flow-mediated dilation, G1 group 1, G2 group 2, ICA-IMT internal carotid intima-media thickness, MedDiet Mediterranean dietary pattern, MetS metabolic syndrome, n number of subjects, NCEP-1 The National Cholesterol Education Program Diet, pDM2 prediabetes, SBP systolic blood pressure