Multiplex MALDI-IHC on the rapifleX for six
biomarkers in FFPE
human breast cancer tissue (patient 1). (A) Average spectrum of the
MALDI-IHC measurement with the breast cancer antibody panel. All six
peptide mass reporters were detected. The spectrum was TIC normalized
and baseline-corrected. (B) Single-ion images of the mass reporters
detected, which were CD20, actin-αSM, HER2, CD68, vimentin,
and panCK, respectively. (C) RGB image of actin-αSM (red), vimentin
(green), and panCK (blue). (D) H&E image of a consecutive section,
showing similar structures as imaged with the MALDI-IHC. White (C)
and black (D) arrows point out the vascular lining of blood vessels
in the tissue section, which is also highlighted by actin-αSM
(B, C).