Hippocampal TH terminals are more abundant from the LC than the VTA. A. Schematic bilateral viral injection and representative coronal sections of eNpHR in the VTA (blue) or LC (red). B, and C. Representative images of coronal immunofluorescence section of bilateral viral injection of AAV5-eNpHR in the VTA (B) or LC (C); eYFP (green), TH (red), DAPI (blue), and MERGE (colocalization). D. Quantification of eYFP+ and TH+neurons of the VTA (n = 4 mice with four or five coronal sections) or the LC (n= 4 mice with four or five coronal sections). The graph shows the eYFP area related to the TH area. E, and F. Representative images of coronal immunofluorescence section of dorsal hippocampal CA1 axons from the VTA (E) or LC (F) with a bilateral viral injection of AAV5-eNpHR in the VTA or LC, respectively. G. Representative coronal sections of dorsal hippocampal CA1analysis. H. Quantifying hippocampal axons from the VTA (n = 5 mice with six coronal sections) or the LC (n = 6 mice with six coronal sections). The graph shows the eYFP area. All graphs show mean ± SEM. (Scale bar: 50 µm.) *P < 0.01.