Fig. 3.
DA and NA release from the LC to the hippocampal CA1 region modulates behavioral expression and memory updating. A. OLM protocol. Microdialysis samples were collected at baseline (BL) and during the update session with photoinhibition (INH). B. Schematic bilateral viral injection of eNpHR or control eYFP in the VTA (blue) or LC (red), bilateral optic fiber implantation into the dorsal hippocampal CA1 region, and unilateral guide cannula implantation into the dorsal hippocampal CA1 region. C, and D. Hippocampal CA1 release of DA (C) and NA (D) during update session in the CTRL (DA and NA: n = 9), VTA-eYFP (DA: n = 7, NA: n = 8), VTA-eNpHR (DA and NA: n = 7), LC-eYFP (DA and NA: n = 9), and LC-eNpHR (DA and NA: n = 7) groups. The green bar represents the time with a continuous laser pulse (10–15 mW) from the fiber optic tip. All results show the mean percent of baseline ± SEM. *P < 0.05.