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. 2022 Nov 29;119(49):e2206722119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2206722119

Table 1.

Statistics for data collection, map reconstruction, and model refinement

Actin filament branch (EMD- 27962, (49) PDB 8E9B (50))
Data collection and map reconstruction
 Magnification 36,657
 Voltage (kV) 300
 Electron exposure (e2) 50.07
 Defocus range (µm) (set/measured) [−2.5, −1.5]/[−2.9, −0.9]
 Pixel size (Å) 1.364
 Symmetry C1
 Initial particle images (no.) 131,393
 Final particle images (no.) 79,467
 Map analysis in reconstructed/modeled regions
  Resolution (Å) at 0.143 threshold, Relion 3.53/3.47
  Sharpening B factor (Å2), Relion −101.52/−74.09
  Resolution (Å) at 0.143 threshold, 3DFSC 3.38/3.35
  Sphericity (out of one), 3DFSC 0.963/0.966
 Map resolution range (Å) 3.2–5.6
Model Refinement
 Initial model used (PDB ID) 1K8K/6DJO/6W17/AlphaFold
 Model-to-map fit correlation 0.77
 Model resolution (Å) at 0.5 threshold 3.6
 Model composition
  Heavy atoms 39,160
  Protein residues 4,933
  Ligands (ATP/ADP/Mg2+) 1/9/10
 B factors (Å2)
  Protein 94.59
  Ligands 87.65
 RMS deviations
  Bond lengths (Å) 0.003
  Bond angles (°) 0.711
 Geometry validation
  MolProbity score 1.91
  Clashscore 10.43
  rotamer/Cβ outliers (%) 0.05/0.00
 Ramachandran plot
  Favored (%) 94.89
  Allowed (%) 5.11
  Disallowed (%) 0.00