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. 2023 Jan 19;17:1059552. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1059552


Neurodevelopmental impairment (NDI) studies of Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) among preterm infants.

References Centers Assessment tool Birth weight (g) [mean (range) of NEC] Duration of follow up (months corrected age) Number with NEC attended follow-up
Total number of attended follow-up
Definitions of NDI
Shah et al., 2012 Multi BSID II ELBW Hospital
discharge, 18 and 22 months
62 785 NDI: at least include 1 of the following: MDI < 70, PDI < 70, CP, hearing impairment, visual
Hintz et al., 2005 Multi BSID II ELBW 18,22 245 2,703 NDI: at least include 1 of the following: MDI < 70, PDI < 70, CP, blindness, deafness.
Zozaya et al., 2021 Multi BSID-III ELBW 18–30 176 2,019 NDI:CP with GMFCS score, Bayley-III
component score of < 85, hearing loss, or visual impairment
Hansen et al., 2019 Single Strength and Difficulties score 1442.5 126 163 400 Borderline/abnormal SDQ-score; CP
Wadhawan et al., 2014 Multi BSID-II;
Amiel-Tison assessment
ELBW 18–22 472 8,938 moderate or severe cerebral palsy, bilateral blindness, bilateral hearing loss needing amplification, MDI or PDI less than 70
Lodha et al., 2010 Two BSID-II 1,145 24–28 10 40 NDI: Includes MDI < 70, PDI < 70, and CP.
Dilli et al., 2012 Single BSID-II VLBW 18–24 20 60 moderate-to-severe cerebral palsy;
MDI or PDI < 70; bilateral deafness; or bilateral blindness.
Sonntag et al., 2000 Single Griffiths VLBW 12,20 20 60 NDI: GQ < 2 SDs below mean
Salhab et al., 2004 Single BSID-II ELBW 18–22 17 68 No clear definition. Data on mean MDI and PDI given
Soraisham et al., 2006 Single BSID-II and Stanford- Binet BW below 1,250 g 36 46 146 NDI: at least include 1 of the following: cognitive delay (MDI or IQ < 2 SDs below mean), CP, visual impairment, deafness.
Roze et al., 2011 Single Movement-ABC; WISC-III-NL; Child Behavior Checklist 1,020 –1,775 6–13 Year 32 83 Data on mean Motor outcome, Cognitive outcome and Behavioral outcome are given
Allendorf et al., 2018 Single BSID-II 1,039 24 37 76 No clear definition. Data on mean MDI and PDI given
Martin et al., 2010 Multi BSID-II n/a, 23–27 weeks gestation 24 101 1,155 moderate-to-severe cerebral palsy;
MDI or PDI < 70;
Fullerton et al., 2017 Multi BSID-II or BSID-III ELBW 18–24 866 9,929 Severe neurodevelopmental disability: bilateral blindness, hearing impairment requiring amplification, inability to walk 10 steps with support, cerebral palsy, and/or Bayley Mental or Psychomotor Developmental Index < 70.
Pike et al., 2012 Multi Health Utilities Index (HUI)and Strength and Difficulties score n/a 7Y 119 6,615 Based on HUI-3 classification
Castro et al., 2004 Multi BSID-II ELBW 18–22 72 1,151 NDI: Includes MDI < 70, PDI < 70, and CP.
Chacko et al., 1999 Single Griffiths and Stanford-Binet ELBW 12–59 40 60 NDI: at least include 1 of the following: GQ or IQ < 71, moderate or severe CP, blindness, deafness
Waugh et al., 1996 Single Griffiths and McCarthy Index ELBW 24 23 198 NDI: GQ < 76 (2 SDs below mean), CP, Visual impairment, Deafness
Tobiansky et al., 1995 Single Griffiths and Stanford-Binet VLBW 36–60 49 89 NDI: at least include 1 of the following: GQ or IQ < 71, moderate or severe CP, blindness, deafness
Mayr et al., 1994 Single Denver test, drawing test VLBW 12–156 12 18 No clear definition
Simon et al., 1993 Single BSID I VLBW 8,15,24 18 18 No clear definition. Data on mean MDI and PDI given
Ganapathy et al., 2013 Multi n/a All neonates 6, 12, 24,36 250 2,899 No clear definition
Hayakawa et al., 2015 Multi n/a VLBW 18 44 394 NDI was defined as the presence of neurological sequelae in infants at 18 months of corrected age.

NDI, neurodevelopmental impairment; n/a, data is not available in respective studies; BSID, Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development; WISC-III-NL, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, third edition, Dutch version.